Complaints channel


EUNCET FORMACIÓN, S.L. (hereinafter, the Entity) has implemented an Internal Information System (SIIF), which integrates the different internal information channels of the organization and is configured as a fundamental axis for the promotion of the culture of ethical, responsible and sustainable action, with the duty of supervision, control and prevention in terms of regulatory compliance.

The system is the preferred channel and a mandatory tool for diligently channelling communications on regulatory infractions and breaches, with full protection of whistleblowers, without risk of reprisals and with the necessary protection measures.

The SIIF has been designed, configured and managed with the necessary security, confidentiality, data protection and whistleblower protection measures and mechanisms. To this end, we have the collaboration and support of the external expert BONET consulting, which provides high levels of professionalism, experience, independence, confidentiality and compliance with the applicable regulatory framework.

Consequently, the Entity has provided the SIIF with a series of guarantees, including anonymity/anonymization, proper registration, conservation and non-alteration of information, prevention of conflicts of interest, protection of the whistleblower and prohibition of retaliation.

To learn in detail about the principles of action and the fundamental guarantees that govern the Entity's Internal Information System by virtue of the requirements of the new regulations, you can view and access  the General Policy of the Internal Information and Whistleblower Defense System.

Information Channels

The Entity has set up different internal information channels that allow the submission of communications in written or verbal format. To this end, the Entity has the configuration, design and support of an external expert in order to provide the highest levels of professionalism, experience, independence, confidentiality, data and whistleblower protection, and other applicable areas for this type of channel. In our Policy you can find more information about the technical characteristics of the channels.

The channels of our SIIF are as follows:


Canal On-line/Digital corporate

The Entity provides an online tool through which any employee or person related to the Entity may submit a written communication through the following links:

This tool has security measures that guarantee the protection of the information, the identity of the informant and that of those affected by it, as well as the confidentiality and reserve of the entire process of managing and processing the communication.


Canal Presencial / “Face to face” face to face

Another of the channels that the Entity makes available to its employees and those third parties who interact with it is the face-to-face channel, which allows the presentation of verbal communications through a face-to-face meeting or by videoconference.

In order to ensure due compliance with the commitments and guarantees set out in our Policy and the applicable regulatory framework for this type of communication, the Entity has entrusted this function of managing these communications to the external expert BONET consulting, to guarantee the protection of the identity of the informant both in the process of requesting an appointment,  in the presentation of a paper in a face-to-face format, as well as in the place where it is made.

BONET professionals are responsible for the management of requests to submit communications through this channel, as well as for the collection and conservation of all the information provided in said application. As established by law, such meetings will be documented by means of an anonymized recording, with the prior consent of the informant.

In order to make use of this channel, you must request  an appointment through the following contact channels:

 • Phone: 911087727  /  930460116

The reporting hours are as follows:

 ▪ Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
 ▪ Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
 • E-mail:

In order to guarantee the necessary protection and security measures for this type of communication, communications submitted directly by telephone or e-mail may not be made or recorded. These two tools are exclusively enabled to coordinate with the technical staff the day, time and place to carry out the communication in a face-to-face format.

Please follow the instructions described above to access and properly use the official channels enabled by the Entity for the submission of communications and the application of all our necessary security and protection mechanisms.

If you have any questions or queries about the operation of the Entity's Internal Information System, you can contact the System Manager at the following email:
