Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sports Management in Barcelona

Details of the Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sports Management

Start: September 2025

Duration: 5 years

Modality On-Site: 9 am to 2 pm

Campus: Barcelona Can Dragó

Language: Catalan, Spanish, English

Credits: 342 ECTS

The Double Bachelor's Degree in Management and Digitalisation in Sport and Business, Innovation and Technology at Euncet Business School combines two fundamental areas to offer global and strategic training in the sports and business fields.

The Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sports offers unique training that integrates two key areas for success in today's business environment, with a focus on the sports field and its industry. Knowledge gained in the business field, such as financial management, leadership, and corporate strategy, provides a solid understanding of how sports organisations operate and evolve. 

This double university degree trains students to take on various responsibilities within a sports organisation, from day-to-day management to the creation and implementation of new business strategies, preparing them to overcome the challenges of a globalised and ever-changing market.
In addition, students will acquire the knowledge and tools necessary to face the challenges of the current business context, highlighting the opportunities that are generated in the new contexts of digitalisation, innovation, sport and artificial intelligence.


Double Bachelor's Degree in Management and Digitalisation in Sport and Business, Innovation and Technology from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Branch of knowledge:

Physical Activity and Sports Science

New places:

35 places

PAU/CFGS cut-off mark:


First year credit price:

120 €

First year price:

7.200 €

Program for the Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sports

The curriculum of this double degree is the union between the Bachelor's Degree in Business, Innovation and Technology and the Bachelor's Degree in Management and Digitalisation in Sport. In just five years, you will be able to obtain two university degrees that will provide you with a holistic vision of the operation of a company, sports management and sports data analysis. In addition, you will acquire crucial knowledge and skills for the business world in the sports sector, where innovation, business, and technology play a key role.

With this program, the student will acquire the business fundamentals in Business Administration and Management (ADE), including accounting, finance, human resources and business strategy, and the knowledge of digitalisation and sports management, the analysis of sports data and the improvement of sports performance.

Below, you will find the type of subjects and the distribution of credits for the Double Degree in Business and Sport. 

  • Basic Training Subjects (FB): they belong to the block of subjects shared with the Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Innovation and Technology and the Bachelor's Degree in Business, Innovation, and Technology. In this block, we establish a solid foundation of fundamental learning. In addition, the curriculum includes compulsory subjects for each degree, which deepen the knowledge of each discipline. These subjects, together with the specialisation subjects, allow students to personalise their training and acquire skills adapted to their interests and professional objectives.
  • Bachelor's Thesis (TFG): students must complete a Bachelor's Thesis for each degree. During the second semester of the fourth year, they will complete the TFG of the Bachelor's Degree in Management and Digitalisation in Sport, finishing this degree. Subsequently, in the second semester of the fifth year, they will develop the TFG of the Bachelor's Degree in Business, Innovation and Technology, consolidating their comprehensive training in both disciplines.
  • External internships: curricular internships are part of the curriculum of the Double Degree in Business and Sport and are carried out during the second semester of the fourth year. This period of practical training includes evaluation and a final grade, with the accompaniment of two tutors: an academic tutor appointed by the center and a tutor in the company where the internship takes place.


Table of validations for the Double Degree in Business and Sport

If you have completed a CFGS, you will be able to access the university degree as long as you have obtained the title of higher technician.

Check if you can validate the credits of your CFGS for university credits in the Double Degree in Business and Sport.

CFGS Credit Validation Table (Pending)

Second year

Data Analysis and VisualisationFB
Data Management FB
Leadership and Team DevelopmentFB
Impact of the Economic Environment and Legal Framework on the Company FB
Digital Communication ToolsFB
Sport and Fitness Ecosystem FB
Sports TrainingFB
The Impact of Sport on Tourism and Leisure FB
Finance in Sport FB
Financial AccountingFB
Sports Facilities and EquipmentFB
Sports Law FB
Physical Activity and Training for Specific Groups FB
Management of Sports Organisations, Sports Facilities and Fitness Centres FB
Organisation and Management of Sporting EventsFB
Business Taxation


Technologies Applied to Sport and FitnessFB
Innovation in Sports Activities and EquipmentFB
Sports MarketingFB
Design and Organisation of Sports Activities FB
Management of Work Teams in Sports EnvironmentsFB
Economic Analysis Applied to BusinessFB
Sports Facilities and EquipmentFB
Sports Law FB
Physical Activity and Training for Specific Groups FB
Management of Sports Organisations, Sports Facilities and Fitness Centres FB
Organisation and Management of Sporting EventsFB
Business Taxation


Technologies Applied to Sport and FitnessFB
Innovation in Sports Activities and EquipmentFB
Sports MarketingFB
Design and Organisation of Sports Activities FB
Management of Work Teams in Sports EnvironmentsFB
Economic Analysis Applied to BusinessFB
Sports Facilities and EquipmentFB
Sports Law FB
Physical Activity and Training for Specific Groups FB
Sports Data Acquisition and StorageFB
Programming Applied to Sports Data AnalysisFB
Business Taxation


Technologies Applied to Sport and FitnessFB
Innovation in Sports Activities and EquipmentFB
Sports Public Data Capture and AnalysisFB
Sports Data MiningFB
Fitness Data Capture and AnalysisFB
Economic Analysis Applied to BusinessFB
Security and Sports ProtocolFB
Technological Trends in the Sports FieldFB
Sports Communication FB
Sports SponsorshipFB
Analysis and Valuation of Sports Investment ProjectsFB
Financial Statement Analysis


Strategy and Business ManagementFB
Commercial Management and SalesFB
Markets and Financial Instruments IFB
External Academic InternshipsPE
Annual Sport TFGTFG
Security and Sports ProtocolFB
Technological Trends in the Sports FieldFB
Sports Communication FB
Sports SponsorshipFB
Analysis and Valuation of Sports Investment ProjectsFB
Innovative Business Model


Strategy and Business ManagementFB
Commercial Management and SalesFB
Types of Innovation and EntrepreneurshipFB
External Academic InternshipsPE
Annual Sport TFGTFG
Predictive AnalyticsFB
AI Applied to Sports Data AnalysisFB
Capture and Analysis of Performance Data in Sports CompetitionsFB
Sports Visualisation and ReportingFB
Sports Analytics ProjectsFB
People Management


Strategy and Business ManagementFB
Commercial Management and SalesFB
Types of Innovation and EntrepreneurshipFB
External Academic InternshipsPE
Annual Sport TFGTFG
Analytical Accounting and Management ControlFB
International FinanceFB
Markets and Financial Instruments IIFB
Financial Management and PlanningFB
Technology and Innovation in FinanceFB
Business Valuation


Business LawFB
Supply Chain Management and OperationsFB
Treasury ManagementFB
Corporate FinanceFB
Annual Business TFGTFG
Entrepreneurship Project IFB
Financing, Taxation and Aid for EntrepreneurshipFB
Business Opportunities with AIFB
Scalability and InternationalisationFB
Startups and Technology-Based CompaniesFB
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystems


Business LawFB
Supply Chain Management and OperationsFB
Agile Entrepreneurship MethodologiesFB
Entrepreneurship Project IIFB
Annual Business TFGTFG
Digital Marketing and CommunicationFB
Innovative Business ModelsFB
Entrepreneurship Project IFB
Financing, Taxation and Entrepreneurship GrantsFB
Startups and Technology-Based CompaniesFB
Scalability and Internationalisation


Business LawFB
Supply Chain Management and OperationsFB
Agile Entrepreneurship MethodologiesFB
Entrepreneurship Project IIFB
Annual Business TFGTFG

The major in Management of sports organisations, sports facilities, fitness centres and sports events and Entrepreneurship offers a strategic vision for managing sports facilities, events and sports brands. In addition, it provides knowledge and tools necessary for the creation and management of new companies by identifying market opportunities and developing creative solutions. 

  • Director of Sports Facilities 
  • Entrepreneur, founder of sports startups 
  • Business Development Consultant 
  • Sports Events Coordinator

With the major in Management of sports organisations, sports facilities, fitness centres and sports events and Finance, you acquire the skills to successfully manage all types of sports facilities and delve into accounting and financial aspects of organisations.

  • Director of Sports Facilities 
  • Financial Analyst
  • Sports Marketing Manager
  • Finance Consultant in Sports Companies
  • Sports Events Coordinator

The major in Sports data analytics trains students in advanced techniques to efficiently gather and interpret sports data. The mention in Entrepreneurship provides the knowledge and tools necessary for the creation and management of new companies and the identification of business opportunities.

  • Sports Data Analyst
  • Predictive Analytics Technician
  • Enterprising
  • Sports Software Developer
  • Sports Technical Analyst

Regulations of the TFG of the Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sports Management

The TFG may contemplate different modalities, both experimental and academic in all its aspects, according to the different aspects related to the degree.

The content of the TFG will correspond to one of the following typologies:

  • Experimental or applied work related to the contents of the degree, which may be carried out in organisations or companies. In any case, the institution's interest in collaborating with the TFG must be accredited.
  • Bibliographic review and research work focused on different fields related to the studies and related to lines of research developed by Euncet.
  • Applied and transversal work of a multidisciplinary and professional nature that will be developed on an existing or newly created institution.
  • Other works not adjusted to the previous modalities whose execution the TFG Committee considers relevant.

Download the Regulations of the TFG of the Double Bachelor’s Degree in Business + Sport


Director of the University Centre
Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Management and Digitalisation in Sport
Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Business, Innovation and Technology
Coordinator of the Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sport
Academic Tutor of the Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sport
Academic Manager of the Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sport

Career opportunities for the Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sport

The Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sport is designed to train professionals capable of leading the business world and the sports sector. This program offers students the knowledge and tools necessary to face the challenges of the current business context, emphasising career goals and the diverse skill sets required for success. By addressing the opportunities generated by digital transformation, innovation, and sport, students are well-prepared to pursue advanced graduate degrees and thrive in a dynamic professional sport environment.

The double career paths in Business and Sports Management are the following:

  • Director of Sports Facilities 
  • Entrepreneur or founder of sports startups 
  • Business Development Consultant 
  • Sports Events Coordinator
  • Director of Sports Facilities  
  • Financial Analyst  
  • Finance Consultant in Sports Companies 
  • Sports Events Coordinator
  • Sports Data Analyst 
  • Predictive Analytics Technician 
  • Enterprising 
  • Sports Software Developer 
  • Sports Technical Analyst


Why study a Double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Sports at Euncet? 

  • 2 degrees in 5 years: You will obtain two official degrees, Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Innovation and Technology and Bachelor's Degree in Management and Digitalisation in Sport, combining comprehensive training in sports management with a strategic specialisation in marketing.  
  • Comprehensive vision of sport and business: We prepare qualified professionals with a comprehensive vision of the company and the sports sector, with an emphasis on sports business management, finance, entrepreneurship and financial data analysis, where innovation and technology play a transversal role that prepares students in a dynamic and digitalized environment. 
  • Specialisations: Specialise in Management of Sports Organisations, Sports Facilities, Fitness Centres and Sports Events, Analysis and Processing of Sports Data, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Sports Management and Administration and Management of Sports Companies.
  • Update training: We offer you solid, up-to-date academic training, with a practical and professional sports orientation, based on microlearning with an innovative methodology.
  • Multidisciplinary professional profiles: We work on the development of multidisciplinary profiles and people who are decisive, proactive, and capable of making decisions based on data.
  • International mobility: You will be able to carry out academic stays in foreign universities through Erasmus programmes and thanks to bilateral agreements between international universities.
Xevi Vidal

Xevi Vidal

Bachelor’s Degrees Advisor

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