Executive DBA at Euncet Business School
Program Details
Program Details
Academic Information
Study Plan
Teaching Team
Who is it for?
Executive DBA Program Details
Start: Autumn 2024
Duration: 2 and a half years
Modality On-Site: Shangai
Campus: Online
Language: English; Spanish; Chinese
The Executive DBA is an executive doctorate in business administration and management, a program designed to address the specific needs of those professionals who aspire to achieve executive leadership roles or to contribute significantly to business research. This training combines academic research with the practical application of theoretical knowledge in various areas of business management.
Graduates of the Executive DBA acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in business management, with emphasis on research, leadership skills and the ability to generate innovative solutions to face new business challenges. Lasting 2 and a half years, this program offers immediate applicability in the business field and provides a deep understanding of business administration and management.

Executive DBA by Euncet Business School
Academic Information
Executive DBA from Euncet Business School
Shanghai, China; Barcelona, Spain
50 places
Executive DBA Methodology
The Executive DBA methodology focuses on a theoretical-practical model that will provide you with in-depth knowledge about the applications of econometrics in fields such as finance, health economics or environmental sustainability. Additionally, this program will provide you with the business tools and skills necessary to excel in a competitive and constantly evolving environment, preparing you to lead with vision and effectiveness in the global business landscape.
Executive DBA Objectives
The Executive DBA program is precisely designed to expand professionals' capabilities in using the fundamental principles and tools of behavioural science to design and refine business models. Through a complete and comprehensive curriculum, it seeks to provide a deep understanding of how to evaluate and manage business risks, as well as unethical behaviour. The aim is to guarantee sustainable success and ethical integrity in the business environment.
Study Plan
Behavioural Sciences for Business Modelling
- Understand how human behaviour and decision-making influence business models.
- Develop the ability to apply the principles and tools of behavioural sciences to design and refine business models.
- Master the methodologies and models used in behavioural sciences research.
- Learn how to apply behavioural sciences perspectives to real-life business problems.
- Understand the ethical considerations associated with behavioural sciences in business modelling.
Business & Ethics: Driving Change
- Understand the importance and impact of business ethics and learn to balance economic and ethical considerations in business decisions.
- Understand the basic principles and practical application of business ethics and social responsibility. Discover how to resolve ethical issues in business decisions.
- Know the responsibilities and opportunities of companies in the application of sustainable development.
- Learn to assess and manage business risks to ensure sound business development and ethical compliance.
- Acquire effective communication and leadership skills to influence and drive change in the business environment.
- Understand the basic concepts and principles of econometrics, including regression analysis, hypothesis testing and statistical inference.
- Develop the ability to evaluate and interpret econometric models and use statistical software for data analysis and model selection.
- Discover practical applications of econometrics in various fields, such as finance, health economics and environmental economics.
- Learn how to critically evaluate empirical research using econometric methodologies and how to design and implement econometrics research projects.
Global Finance & Management Accounting
- Understand the key concepts and principles of global finance and management accounting, including financial analysis, risk management, and performance evaluation.
- Develop analytical skills to evaluate financial data and make informed decisions in a global business environment.
- Understand the global financial system and its impact on business operations and strategy.
- Learn how to use management accounting skills to support decision-making and improve organisational performance.
- Understand ethical and social responsibility issues related to global finance and management accounting.
Leading Digital Transformation
- Understand the key concepts and trends of digital transformation and its impact on organisations and society.
- Develop leadership skills and mindset to lead the digital transformation of the organisation.
- Master the digital tools and techniques to achieve digital transformation.
- Learn how to manage the digital transformation process, from strategy development to implementation and evaluation.
- Understand the ethical, legal, and social issues associated with digital transformation.
Value-Based Strategy
- Understand the basic concepts of value creation and value-oriented strategies, as well as their relationship to business success.
- Develop the skills to analyse and evaluate a company's value proposition and its potential to create a sustainable competitive advantage.
- Learn about the key drivers of shareholder value and how to measure and monitor value creation over time.
- Learn how to develop and implement a value-oriented strategy that aligns organisational resources and capabilities with value creation opportunities.
- Understand the ethical and social responsibility issues associated with value-based strategies.
Research Methodology
- Understand the basic principles and processes of research methodology.
- Develop the ability to design and implement research in different areas.
- Master the different research methodologies, techniques and tools used in empirical research.
- Learn how to critically evaluate research findings and apply them to real-life business scenarios.
- Learn about ethical considerations in research and how to ensure the integrity of research data and results.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Understand the key concepts and theories of entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as their relationship to economic growth and development.
- Develop entrepreneurial skills and mindsets, including creativity, timing and risk-taking.
- Master the different stages of the entrepreneurial process, from conceptualisation to launch, including the development of a business plan.
- Learn how to recognise and assess the timing of innovation in different industries and sectors, as well as how to implement innovation strategies.
- Understand the legal, financial, and ethical issues related to entrepreneurship and innovation.
Euncet's Partners in the Executive DBA
The High Net Worth Institute was founded in 2016 as part of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Education Group and has since become a leading entrepreneurship education platform in China. In collaboration with the Shanghai Gaojin Financial Research Institute, it established the Private Economic Research Center in 2020. It currently offers programs for entrepreneurs from all over the country with the participation of renowned economists and businessmen. Its goal is to train students to understand the economic environment, develop effective corporate strategies, establish strong connections, and apply advanced management concepts in real-world situations.
Teaching Team
Executive DBA

- Degree in Mathematics, UAB, 1976.
- PhD in Mathematics, UAB, 1984.
- Lecturer in charge of a course, UB Teacher Training School, 1976-1978.
- Lecturer in charge of course, UAB, 1978-1981.
- Assistant professor, UAB, 1981-1983.
- Lecturer in charge of course, UPC, 1983-1984.
- Assistant Professor, UPC, 1984-1986.
- Full Professor, UPC, 1986-1999.
- Special Service Commission, Senate, 1999-2011.
- Reincorporation as Full Professor, UPC, 2011.
- Current Socioeconomic Context
Euncet research line
- Business, economy and society
- PhD in Philosophy and Political Economy, UB, 2015.
- Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, ESADE, 1996.
- Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management, ESADE.
- Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities, UOC, 2005.
- Master's Degree in Research in Comparative Studies of Art, Literature and Thought, 2008.
- Bachelor's Degree in Law, Universidad Isabel I de Castilla, 2020.
- Master's Degree in Legal Practice, UOC, 2022.
Academic and professional experience
- Director and lecturer of the Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management of Euncet Business School/UPC.
- Professor at the Institute of Logistics of Barcelona. ILB.
- Professor of the Master's Degree in Economics and Business Administration at the Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla.
- Teacher of Vocational Training for 2 years.
- Professor of Financial Management I at the UOC.
- More than 15 years as Financial Director and Compliance Director in several international companies in the field of pharmacy, health and financial services.
- Financial Director and Compliance Director, Mediterranean Capital Management, Barcelona.
- Interim Financial Director, Fortress Investments Group LLC, Madrid-Barcelona.
- Iberia Financial Director and Compliance Director Director, Gambro-Hospal S.A., Barcelona-Lisboa.
- Iberia Financial and HR Director, Sunstar Suisse S.A, Suc. Spain, Barcelona.
- Financial-Administrative Director, Ferbossa Industriactiva, Barcelona.
- Director of Financial Consolidation, Chupa Chups S.A., Barcelona.
- Controller, Euroservices Bayer, Barcelona.
- Corporate Account Manager, Banque Nationale de Paris (BNP), Barcelona.
Most relevant publications
- Bárcena Alfonso (2015), Macrophilosophy of Capitalism, Doctoral Thesis, Digital Repository of the UB, Legal Deposit B 27752-2015.
- Bárcena, Alfonso (2011), Managing globalization: towards a global governance. Article in book Globalization and interculturality: Challenges and scenarios. La Busca edicions. ISBN: 978-84-96987-72-2
- PhD in Supply Chain and Operations Management, UPC, 2023.
- Master in Industrial Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 2010 - 2012.
- Food Industry Engineering, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, 2001 - 2006.
- ANECA acceditation, "Associate Professor", 2024
- ANECA Accreditation, "Private University Teacher", 2024.
- AQU Accreditation, "Lecturer Lecturer", 2024.
- Intership Phd, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Institute of Industrial Organization), 2017 - Present.
- Tutoring and Online University Teaching, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, 2022 - Present.
- Audit planning and quality control (Part Time), Acciona, 2021 - Present.
- Teacher Training Institute, Nascor, 2020 - 2021.
- University Teaching, School of Systems, Electronics and Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica de Ambato, 2015 - 2017.
- University Teaching (blended), Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Indoamérica, 2016 - 2017.
- University Teaching - Academic Secretary, School of Engineering, Universidad Andrés Vallo, 2012 - 2014.
- Production Coordinator, Watts S. A. Alimentos, 2011 - 2012.
- Process Engineer, Watts S. A. Alimentos, 2007 - 2011.
PhD in Economic Sciences, Universitat de Barcelona, 2000.
PhD Extraordinary Award, Universitat de Barcelona, 2002.
Degree in Economic Sciences, Universitat de Barcelona, 1997.
Member of the Junta Permanent d’Economia Financera, Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya, 2019 – to date.
Member of the Management Committee of ASSET, Asociación Española de Financieros de Empresa, 2005 - 2017.
Grupo Luxiona, S.L., Financial Director, 2005 - 2019.
TELSTAR, S.A., Financial Controller, 2001 - 2005.
AUDIT NETWORK, Junior Auditor, 2000.
- Strategic Management and Digital Transformation
- Master's Thesis
Euncet research line
- Business, economy and society
- Accredited AQU lecturer.
- ORCID: 0000-003-0170-9276.
- ID Scopus: 57211000572.
- PhD in Economics and Business, UdG.
- Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas.
- Master's Degree in Quality and Productivity Management, UdG.
Academic and professional experience
- Visiting professor at the UdG since 2000.
- Associate Professor at the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas from 2009 to 2022.
- Director of the Centre for Innovation and Business Development (CIDEESPE) from 2003 to 2009.
Most relevant publications
- Lara, G., Arbussà, A., Llach, J. (2023). Exploring the probability of firm cooperation in innovation: The role of technological intensity, knowledge intensity, and size. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 69, 101763. ISSN: 0923-4748. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jengtecman.2023.101763. (8 citations)
- Lara, G., Arbussà, A., Llach, J. (2020). Innovation performance of the firms that have cooperated with Universities and research Institutes in Spain. International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 24, No. 06, 2050053 (2020) ISSN: 13639196. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11142/S136391962050053X (5 citations)
- Lara, G. (2020). Open Innovation in Times of Covid-19: The case of Project OxyGEN. EAMR European Accounting and Management Review. Vol. 7, I. I, 47-65. DOI: 10.26595/eamr.2014.7.1.3. ISSN: 2385-3921
Master’s Degree in Integral Logistics, ICIL.
Industrial Engineering, UPC.
Manager of Innovation and Business Model, ACCIÓ - Generalitat de Catalunya, 2021 – to date.
Head of Innovation Management, ACCIÓ - Generalitat de Catalunya, 2007 - 2021.
ICT & Supply Chain Manager, ACCIÓ - Generalitat de Catalunya. 2001 - 2007.
Consultant, Infonomia, 1999 - 2001.
- Finance for Decision-Making and Management Control
Euncet research line
- Business, economy and society
- Bachelor of Business Sciences, ESADE.
- Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, ESADE.
- Certified Auditor-Accountant, UB.
Academic and professional experience
- Lecturer at ESADE from 1993 to the present in Bachelor's and Master's Degrees.
- Lecturer at Euncet Business School from 2002 to the present in Bachelor's and Master's Degrees.
- Collaborating professor in the Financial Area at the Universitat de Vic in Bachelor's and Master's Degrees.
- Tutor of Bachelor's and Master's Degree’s Thesis at ESADE, Euncet Business School, Universitat de Vic and the College of Chartered Accountants.
- Three years as an Auditor at Arthur Andersen & Co.
- Senior Auditor at Acordia ACR SL from 1993 to the present.
Most relevant publications
- Benito, D., Bosch, S., Bover, A., Cabello, L., Jorba, J., & Mastrantonio, M. (2017). Cases of Costs (1st ed.). OmniaScience. ISBN: 978-84-942118-7-4
Who is the Executive DBA at Euncet Business School for?
Euncet Business School's Executive DBA program is designed for executives who aspire to achieve leadership roles and seek to delve into innovative research in the field of business administration and management. This program is not only focused on developing and enhancing entrepreneurial skills, but also contributing significantly to entrepreneurial research.
As a flexible program, the Executive DBA allows you to combine work commitments with academic ones, ensuring that professionals can make the most of their learning experience and thus effectively boost their professional and academic growth.
The Executive DBA at Euncet Business School encourages networking, connecting participants with prominent business leaders and academics worldwide. This way, Euncet Business School fosters meaningful collaborations, knowledge exchange and professional opportunities in a global learning environment.
Why study the Executive DBA at Euncet?
The Executive DBA at Euncet Business School has the following key aspects:

The Executive DBA offers a global and international academic perspective on business. Through this program, participants explore in depth the challenges and opportunities that arise in an increasingly interconnected world. Furthermore, the business school encourages collaboration with professionals and academics from various parts of the world, providing a broad and diverse vision of global business challenges.

The Executive DBA drives participants' professional growth through the development of leadership, problem-solving, and strategic decision-making skills. The executive doctorate prepares students to assume senior management roles in their organisations or to undertake innovative business projects. In addition, it promotes business networking among its participants.

The Executive DBA is committed to academic excellence led by a teaching team with recognised academic and professional experience linked to leading companies in their sector.

The Executive DBA offers transversal training that covers various knowledge areas relevant to business management, integrating different perspectives and approaches in order to enrich the educational experience and prepare students to face the complexity inherent in the business environment.

Throughout the program, the connection between theory and practice is emphasised, generating tangible value for participants' organisations from the beginning of the training.

Boosts the capacity for innovation and transformation within organisations. Participants acquire advanced tools to lead change in dynamic business environments, identifying new opportunities and developing strategies.
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Contact with us

Mercè Arnero
Head of Admissions