Practical Information About Official Master's Degrees

Recommended student profile

The Master’s degrees offered by EUNCET are mainly aimed at those with a degree or diploma in:

  • Business Studies.
  • Business Management and Administration.
  • Economics.
  • Market Research and Techniques.

Official university graduates in the branch of knowledge of Engineering and Architecture, with specific training in the field of economics and business, with Degree in Engineering in Industrial Technologies or Degree in Mechanical Engineering, both from the UPC, will also be able to register with us.

However, those candidates who are not university graduates in the aforementioned branches of knowledge or who are, but have not taken courses that include the fundamentals of their proposed Master’s degree, must undergo a series of complementary courses, to lay the foundations for knowledge in the field of business management.

General conditions of access

In accordance with the provisions of article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29th October, as amended by Royal Decree 861/2010, in general, students who meet the stated requirements may access official master’s degrees:

  • Possession of an official Spanish university degree or one issued by a higher education institution belonging to another State that is part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and which entitles you to access Master’s degrees.
  • In addition, graduates of education systems outside the EHEA will be able to enrol without the need for certification of their degrees, upon verification by the University that those admit a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they are empowered in the country issuing the degree to access postgraduate studies. Access by this means shall in no case imply the approval of the previous diploma held by the person concerned, nor its recognition for other purposes than the completion of studies for the Master’s degree.
  • In the case of graduates from education systems outside the EHEA who do not have their foreign degree approved, the Committee of the centre responsible for the Master’s may request the documentation necessary to carry out verification that the specific conditions for access to this Master’s Degree are met, including the certification of the qualification, if it cannot determine with certainty that the foreign title accredits the requirements of access.

Admission of students

Article 17 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, amended by Royal Decree 861/2010, regulates admission to Master’s Degree study and establishes that students may be admitted according to the specific requirements and evaluation criteria established by the university.

According to the academic regulations for university Master’s degrees approved by the Governing Council of the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (UPC), students can access any university Master’s degree of the UPC, related or not to their university studies, subject to admission by the Committee of the institution responsible for the Master’s degree, in accordance with the specific admission requirements and the established merit assessment criteria.

The specific requirements for admission to the Master’s degree are the responsibility of the Committee of the centre responsible and have the objective of ensuring equal opportunities of access to education for sufficiently qualified students. In all cases, criteria considered will include the weighting of the academic records of the candidates.

Admission period

  • From 1st november 2024, to 30th October 2025.

Process of admission

To be admitted to study for a Master’s degree, the following documentation must be sent to

  • University degree and academic marks certificate
  • Cover letter stating professional objectives and reasons for choosing Euncet
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Passport

The Process of Admission is the following:

  • 1. Request for information
  • 2. Application for admission
  • 3. Submit documentation for the admission process
  • 4. Online interview
  • 5. Evaluation of the application by the Admissions Committee
  • 6. If the admission is approved, by making a payment of 900€ (to be discounted from the total fee of registration), a reservation can be made, which guarantees a place for Master’s study.
  • 7. Registration

Academic Master’s committee

The Academic Master’s Committee is composed of:

  • The Academic Director
  • The Academic Secretary
  • The Master’s Director

The functions of the Academic Master’s Committee are:

  • Ensure the quality and suitability of the contents to the format and specialisation of the Master’s Degree.
  • Apply the admission procedure established in the present report, on the proposal of the Academic Directorate.
  • Apply the criteria for carrying out the teaching responsibilities established in the present report, on the proposal of the Academic Management.
  • Assess the credits to be recognised, if necessary, according to the previous education accredited of the students by official teaching, or by credits taken in university courses leading to the obtaining of other diplomas or degrees (university-specific qualifications).
  • Resolve any conflicts arising from the processes of assessment of courses and subjects.

Specific criteria for admission

As a general rule, students who hold any of the qualifications indicated in the "Recommended Admission Profile" will have direct access to this Master’s degree study, without the need for additional training.

In any case, students who wish to access a Master’s degree with a previous qualification different from those indicated above, or with one of the degrees indicated in the "Recommended Admission Profile" but who have not completed study plans which include the fundamentals of these degrees, must take supplementary training to the level of knowledge appropriate for basic knowledge of business management. These additional courses will be mandatory, and will be carried out before the end of the first term of Master’s degree study.

Complementary training for the Master’s Degree in Business Administration And Management

Students who access with any of the qualifications indicated in the "Recommended Entry Profile" are not generally required to take complementary training.

The rest of the students who access the Master’s degree with a different profile must take the complementary training in course of Business Management of 6 ECTS.

Students coming from the following access degrees must take the Business Management complementary training course:

  • Bachelor’s Degrees in the field of Arts and Humanities
  • Bachelor’s Degrees in the field of Science
  • Bachelor’s Degrees in the field of Health Science
  • Bachelor’s Degrees in the field of Engineering and Architecture, without previous training in business organisation
  • Some bachelor's degrees in the field of Social and Legal Sciences, which are listed below:
  • Anthropology, Political Science, History, Communication
  • Psychology, Sociology, Education, Geography

The complementary training will guarantee the acquisition of the competencies required to start the Master’s programme.

The complementary training, although it is a bachelor's degree couse, will be considered Master’s credits and will not in any case be part of the study plan as optional credits.

Exemption from complementary training based on professional experience:

The complementary training may be waived provided that professional experience in one of the following areas of management can be reliably accredited:

  • Management
  • Human resources

Complementary training for the Master’s Degree in Marketing Technologies

Students who enter with any of the degrees indicated in the "Recommended entry profile" will not be required, in general, to take complementary courses.

The rest of the students who enter the master's degree with a different profile will be required to take complementary courses.

These complements will vary between 0 and 30 ECTS, depending on the entrance degree and the previous academic competences of the student as reflected in his or her particular academic record. The number and content of the credits to be taken will be determined by the Master's Academic Committee.

The training complements are subjects offered in the MKT Degree, of 6 ECTS each, although their programming is different from that of said degree.  

Specifically, the following training complements have been defined:  

  • Fundamentals of Business Management, 6 ECTS.  
  • Fundamentals of Marketing and Applied Technology, 6 ECTS.  

These 2 subjects are designed to provide students coming from the branches of "Arts and Humanities" and "Sciences" with a solid foundation and a smooth transition into the business field.  

These complementary courses will also be compulsory for those graduates from "Social and Legal Sciences" and "Architecture and Engineering" who have not taken any subject related to business and marketing.

If the students have proven professional experience in the field of business management or marketing, they will be required to complete the complementary courses.

Content of the complementary training

Below is a description of the contents of each of the training complements:
Training Complement in Business Management:

  • The nature of the company and its environment.  
  • The management process of the company.  
  • The business decision.  
  • Planning, programming and control instruments.  
  • Introduction to financial decisions.  
  • The productive function of the company and the production process.  
  • The production capacity.  
  • Inventories.  
  • The human factor in production.  
  • The company: strategy and culture  

Training Complement in Fundamentals of Business Management:  

  • Business Management and Direction  
  • Financial and Accounting Management  
  • Operations and Project Management  
  • Human Resources Management  

Complementary training in Marketing Fundamentals and Applied Technology:  

  • Digital Marketing Experience  
  • Marketing Project Management  
  • Marketing Data Analysis  
  • Marketing Automation

Registration period

  • From 1st July to 30th October, 2025

Registration procedure

  • Enrolment for the Master’s degree is either on-site or online and takes place during the registration period at the Euncet Secretariat.

Documentation to present

  • A photocopy of your DNI, NIE or passport.
  • Original and photocopy (or certified photocopy) of access qualification for Master’s degree or proof of payment of delivery fees
  • Original and photocopy (or certified photocopy) of an academic certificate containing the subjects studied with the grades and the number of credits / hours of each. This certificate must also reflect the overall average mark obtained by the student

All documents issued in countries outside the European Union must be legalised through diplomatic channels or with the corresponding apostille. Legalisation of documents issued abroad.

Fees, scholarships and grants policy and Euncet aid

  • In the document Fees, scholarships and grants policy and Euncet aid (CAT/CAST) you will find detailed information on the system of fees, scholarships and bursaries for the period 2023-24.
  • In the document Fees, scholarships and grants policy and Euncet aid you will find detailed information on the system of fees, scholarships and bursaries for the period 2024-25.

Opportunities for internship

Internships are voluntary and optional, and in no case should compromise academic performance. Euncet provides you with a platform where you can register for active offers from companies in the area, and advises and accompanies you throughout the internship management process to facilitate the procedure, but obtaining an internship depends on the student.


  • To be enrolled and have started classes.
  • To have a current DNI/NIE (not provisional or safeguard)
  • The timetable must be compatible with the teaching day
  • Internships must fall within the scope of your studies.
  • To be up to date with tuition fee payments.

Times and duration

  • Start: at any time once classes have started.
  • End: at the latest, by date of issue of qualification.
  • Duration: 20 hours per week in the mornings.
  • Maximum duration: 600 hours

Formalisation of agreement

Once the student gets an internship, he/she must put the company in contact with the Professional Careers Service to begin the process of managing the agreement. The student agrees to:

  • 1. Have and keep valid her/his DNI/NIE.
  • 2. Have a Social Security membership number, and if not, to secure one through the Social Security Treasury.
  • 3. Have a Spanish bank account number.

Reception plans

Reception plan

  • Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management (CAST./ CAT.)
  • Master's Degree in Marketing Technologies (CAST./ CAT.)

Career guidance plan

  • Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management (CAST./ CAT.)
  • Master's Degree in Marketing Technologies (CAST./ CAT.)

Tutorial Action Plan

  • Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management (CAST./ CAT.)
  • Master's Degree in Marketing Technologies (CAST./ CAT.)

Start And End Of Academic Year

  • Start of course: 13th September 2024
  • End of course: 19th June 2025

Non-teaching periods

During these periods there will be no classes or exams, except for TFG, PFC / TFC and TFM (Master’s Thesis) meetings.

  • Christmas: 19th December 2024, to 6th January 2025
  • Easter Week: 14th April to 21th April 2025
  • Summer: 1st July to 31st August 2025

Public holidays between 1/9/2024 y el 31/08/2025

  • September 11, 2024
  • October 12, 2024
  • November 1, 2024
  • December 7, 2024
  • December 8, 2024
  • December 25, 2024
  • December 26, 2024
  • January 1, 2025
  • January 6, 2025
  • March 28, 2025
  • April 1, 2025
  • May 1, 2025
  • June 24, 2025

To these holidays must be added, for each campus, the local holidays that correspond to the respective location.

Academic procedures calendar

Suggestion, complaints and thanks box

In order to improve our services and offer a high level of academic quality, we put at your disposal a mailbox, to let us know:

  • Suggestions: to indicate a proposal for change that will allow us to improve the services we provide as a university.
  • Complaints: to forward your complaint about any deficiency or error in the provision of our services.
  • Thanks: to send us a token of your gratitude for any attention and/or services received.

You can inform us about your experience and/or your opinion of our facilities, the functioning of lessons or the services we provide as a support for teaching. This excludes suggestions, complaints or thanks in regard to services external to Euncet, as well as messages with inappropriate language which may discredit someone personally.

How can I do this?
To facilitate interaction, you can contact us by means of two communication channels:

  • Email: you can send us an email to, putting as a subject the reason for contact (suggestion, complaint or thanks). In order to follow up any notification, it is essential that you identify yourself by your full name and provide us with a telephone number to contact you, if necessary, in this way. 
  • Form: you can, off you wish, fill in the form that you will find at this link.

In either case, we will respond as soon as possible, within a maximum of one working day from the submission of the suggestion, complaint or thanks.

In order to obtain a master's degree, 60 credits must be passed (1 academic year) with 9  courses of 5 credits each and a Final Master's Thesis (TFM)  of 15 credits.

Anyone in possession of an official university degree or equivalent may apply. In the event that the applicant's university studies are not in the area of knowledge of the master's degree applied for, nor has related professional experience, they will have  to complete complementary training depending on the master's degree enrolled. This information can be found in the section Study Plan-distribution of credits of both the Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management and the Master's Degree in Marketing Management.

In order to apply for admission, you must meet the requirements that you will find on our website, in the section Access and Admission (for master's and bachelor's degrees).

No. However, candidates are advised to have a sufficient level of the language of instruction of the program, before starting the studies, to be able to understand the course contents and to be able to carry out the necessary assignments and exams. 

Students who wish to begin official studies in a master’s degree and are in possession of a foreign university degree issued by a university which does not belong the European Higher Education Area, must first legalize, through diplomatic channels or with the corresponding apostille, their degree and academic transcript of records of the studies that give them access to our master's degree.

Likewise, the regulations governing administrative procedures require that documents issued in a language other than Catalan or Spanish must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish or Catalan. The official translation can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. By a sworn translator, who must have the corresponding authorisation or must be registered in Spain.
  2. Through any diplomatic or consular representation of the Spanish State abroad. 
  3. Through the diplomatic or consular representation in Spain of the country of which the person making the request is a citizen or of the country from which the document originates.
  4. Through an official translator abroad, whose signature must be duly legalised.

You will receive an email from Euncet Business School, telling you how to process your application. Once your application has been accepted, you will be able to obtain your Letter of Admission.

Once you have selected the desired degree program in our website, click on its title and there you will find all the related information.

Once you are enrolled, you will be given access to various platforms, including the Virtual Campus, where each professor publishes grades and academic information related to the courses. 

If you are a new student at Euncet, we will inform you of the date and time to enrol. All other students should pay attention to the enrolment deadlines published on our website, in the box corresponding to Enrolment (for bachelor's and master's degrees).

On the right-hand side of the page of each degree, you will find the standard fees.

Yes, for large families, members of a sports federation, students with disabilities, highly-performing students, etc. If you would like more information about our fees, scholarships and grants policy, you can find it in our website, in the box corresponding to Fees and Scholarships, which you will find on the page for each programme (for bachelor's and master's degrees).

On our website, in the Services section, you can find details of each one of them: cafeteria, bus,  Academic Management, etc.

The Career Service provides personalised attention in professional orientation, promotes the individual talent of students and Alumni for their placement into the labour market and offers direct contact with local companies. The aim is to improve their employability through guidance, counselling, professional intermediation and liaison with collaborating companies.
On our website, in the Careers section, you will find all the information and contact details, both for students and Alumni as well as for companies interested in collaborating with this service.

Euncet Business School bachelor's and master's degree students can do an external internship in a company, as long as they meet the minimum requirements detailed in the External Internships section of each degree programme.

The Career Service offers personalised attention to go through this process, as well as support with all the management of the traineeship agreement. 

The Euncet Business School Placement Service is a platform exclusively for the Euncet community, where companies in the surrounding area publish both job and internship offers which our students and Alumni can apply for. 

The first step is to get to Terrassa by public transport and then take the Euncet Business School free private bus that picks up students at each of the train stations, as well as other points in the city.
You can check the bus schedules in our website.

Below you will find details of the main people in charge of the departments that can provide you with the respective support:
