Bachelor's Degree in Sport and Fitness Science and Technology (CTEF)
Program details
Start: September 2024
Duration: 4 years
Modality On-Site: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Campus: Barcelona Can Dragó
Language: Catalan, Spanish, English
Credits: 240 ECTS
Bachelor's Degree in Sport and Fitness Science and Tecnhology from UPC
As of the 2025-2026 academic year, no new places will be offered for first-year access because the bachelor's degree will be replaced by the new Bachelor's Degree in Management and Digitalisation in Sport.
Our CTEF Bachelor's Degree is the first and only degree that brings you closer to sport through innovation and technology, solving the current needs of the big clubs, professional athletes or the different brands specialized in sports equipment.
The sports industry will be one of the sectors that will experience the most changes in the coming years, due to technological advances that will allow improving sports performance, both professionally and progressively.
The sports and fitness sector is expected to be one of the fastest growing in the coming decades. This implies the increase in workplaces and, partially, the appearance of new professions linked to the sports industry as the figure for experts in this new context. Professionals who understand exactly how to best relate existing technologies applied in sport, or the ability to create completely new technologies for new applications.
That is why in our degree we combine both world leaders, sports and technologies, and we prepare you to be a specialist in sports technology and management, because our graduates in Sciences and Technologies Applied to Sports and Physical Conditioning are recognized as experts at international level.
Bachelor's Degree in Sport and Fitness Science and Technology (CTEF)
Bachelor's Thesis
Graduate in Sciences and Technologies Applied to Sport and Fitness by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Knowledge branch:
Engineering and Architecture
New entry spots:
80 places
CTEF pre-registration code:
Cut-off mark 1 mark PAU/CFGS 2021:
Credit unit fee:
125 €
First academic year fee:
7.500 €
The Bachelor's Degree in Sport and Fitness Science and Tecnhology at Euncet Business School is the only bachelor's degree in Spain and Catalonia that combines applied science, technology, sport and management.
This university sports career is focused on 4 main areas: Sciences, the student will work on everything that has to do with physics, physiology, anatomy, statistics and mathematics; applied technology, all subjects related to computing, programming, R&D&I, product design and engineering; management, will be trained in sports law, finance, human resources, marketing, sales, leadership, business management and entrepreneurship; and, finally, sports. All subjects are applied to sports and are combined with some physical activities. Students will be able to specialize in other areas such as wellness and nutrition in the last year of the degree.
The CTEF degree has more career opportunities than any other sports degree as it prepares students for 360 learning. The degree is focused on training professionals in sports science, sports services, sports technology and technological advances, sports coaching, physical activities and sporting events. The student will be able to plan, develop and evaluate the performance of any athlete, including High Performance, direct and manage sports halls and clubs, design sports clothing and other sports gadgets such as watches, video cameras, etc. Below, you will find all the details regarding the degree, its study plan, teaching staff, courses, calendars and much more.
This document regulates the process of discontinuation of the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Sciences and Technologies for Sport and Fitness (hereinafter, CTEF degree), implemented in accordance with Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, modified by RD 861/2010, of July 10, which establishes the regulation of official university education, as well as the student adaptation process. It applies to the CTEF degree, which is to be discontinued due to the implementation of the Bachelor's Degree in Sports Management and Digitalization (hereinafter, GIDE degree), which replaces it.
The Euncet Business School Bachelor's Degree in Sport and Fitness Science and Tecnhology has a duration of 4 years and does not require access tests or personal aptitude tests as an admission requirement. Students will combine theoretical and practical studies in subjects such as applied sciences, sports technology and management until they obtain a university degree.
Below, you will find the study plan of one of the careers with the greatest professional opportunities in the sports field.
Subject type | ECTS |
Compulsory | 210 |
Optional | 18 |
Bachelor's Thesis | 12 |
Total | 240 |
Studies in Bachelor's Degree in Sport and Fitness Science and Tecnhology (CTEF)
Physical Conditioning (LOE) - Physical and Sports Activities
Course | ECTS |
Anatomy | 6,00 |
Optative | 18,00 |
Physiology | 6,00 |
External Internships | 12,00 |
Total | 42 |
Administration and Finance (LOE) - Administration and Management / Administration
Courses | ECTS |
Company | 6,00 |
Financial Resources | 6,00 |
External Internships | 12,00 |
Communication | 6,00 |
Human Resources | 6,00 |
Total | 36 |
Administration and Finance (LOGSE) - Administration and Management / Administration
Courses | ECTS |
Financial Resources | 6,00 |
External Internships | 12,00 |
Company | 6,00 |
Human Resources | 6,00 |
Total | 30 |
Motivation of Physical and Sports Activities (LOGSE) - Physical and Sports Activities
Courses | ECTS |
Physiology | 6,00 |
Anatomy | 6,00 |
Optative | 18,00 |
External Internships | 12,00 |
Total | 42 |
International Commerce (LOE) - Business and Marketing
Course | ECTS |
Financial Resources | 6,00 |
External Internships | 12,00 |
Total | 18 |
Teaching and Socio-sports Animation (LOE) - Physical and Sports Activities
Courses | ECTS |
Optional | 18,00 |
External Internships | 12,00 |
Total | 30 |
International Commerce (LOGSE) - Business and Marketing
Course | ECTS |
External Internships | 12,00 |
Financial Resources | 6,00 |
Total | 18 |
Commercial Management and Marketing (LOGSE) - Commerce and Marketing
Course | ECTS |
External Internships | 12,00 |
Marketing of Sports Products and Services | 6,00 |
Marketing Applied to Sport | 6,00 |
Total | 24 |
Management of Sales and Commercial Spaces (LOE) - Commerce and Marketing
Course | ECTS |
Marketing Applied to Sports | 6,00 |
Marketing of Sports Products and Services | 6,00 |
External Internships | 12,00 |
Financial Resources | 6,00 |
Total | 30 |
Marketing and Publicity (LOE) - Business and Marketing
Course | ECTS |
Company | 6,00 |
Financial Resources | 6,00 |
External Internships | 12,00 |
Communication | 6,00 |
Marketing Applied to Sports | 6,00 |
Total | 36 |
Teaching guide | Type |
Physics I | FB |
Computing | FB |
Anatomy | OB |
Graphic Design | FB |
Mathematics | FB |
Teaching guide | Type |
Physics II | FB |
Technology Applied to Physical Conditioning | OB |
Statistics | FB |
Law | FB |
Physiology | OB |
Teaching guide | Type |
Sociology | FB |
Sports Industry and Markets. Production and Marketing Models | OB |
Technology Applied to Sports Training - Individual Sports | OB |
Communication | FB |
Company | FB |
Teaching guide | Type |
Computing Applied to Fitness | OB |
Introduction to Product Engineering | OB |
Technological Resources | OB |
Human Resources | OB |
Marketing of Sports Products and Services | OB |
Teaching guide | Type |
R+D+I in Sport | OB |
Marketing Applied to Sport | OB |
Management of Fitness Centres | OB |
Data Science: Programming and Data Analysis | OP |
Organization of Sports Events | OP |
Teaching guide | Type |
3D Printing Technologies applied to Sports | OP |
External Internships | OB |
Bachelor's Thesis | PR |
Kinesiology | OP | Physical activities in the natural environment | OP |
Wellness | OP | Sports | OP |
Nutrition | OP | Data science: programming and data analysis | OP |
Played activities | OP | 3D Printing technologies applied to sports | OP |
Physical activities with musical support | OP | Organization of sports events | OP |
Academic Year 2024-25
Academic Calendar 2024-25
First quarter
Second quarter
The DFP may cover different modalities, both experimental and academic in all their aspects, according to the different aspects related to the degree.
The content of the DFP will correspond to one of the following types:
- Experimental or applied work related to the contents of the degree, which may be developed in organizations or companies. In any case, the interest of the institution to collaborate in the DFP must be accredited.
- Bibliographic review and research work focused on different fields related to studies and related to lines of research and investigation developed by Euncet.
- Applied and transversal work, of a multidisciplinary and professional nature, which will be carried out on an existing or newly created institution.
- Other works not adjusted to the previous modalities and that the DFP Committee considers its execution pertinent.
- The topics for the DFP will be proposed by the professors who teach in the degree, by the Directorate of the Research Area of the School and/or by the Academic Directorate of the School when the subject to be developed is of interest. If considered, students may also propose topics to the Euncet DFP Committee, which must necessarily be accompanied by a feasibility report on the initiative.
Professional opportunities for the Bachelor's Degree in CTEF
Specialist in "Strength & Conditioning" in Sports Centers, Clubs and Sports Entities.
- Head of the "Sports Science & Performance" Department in Centres, Clubs and Sports Entities
- Head of the "Data Analysis & Scouting" Department in Centres, Clubs and Sports Entities
- Responsible for the Development and Implementation of "Sports Technology" in Sports Centres, Clubs and Entities
- Product Manager in sports and fitness companies
- Design of sports products and services
- Marketing of sports products and services
- Management, coordination and implementation of business units in the sports field and physical preparation
- Sports management: clubs, federations, municipalities...
- Sports facilities management
- Development of scientific-technological research and innovation projects in the field of sports and physical preparation.
- Creation and leadership of companies and projects applied to sports and physical preparation
- Design and creation of Apps applied to sport and physical preparation
Why study the CTEF Bachelor's Degree at Euncet?
- Because we develop the professional profiles that best adapt to the technological evolution of the professional sports market.
- Because we apply technology to all areas of sport and develop tools to create sports products and services.
- Because our students acquire practical and theoretical knowledge in combined spaces: laboratories, seminars, computer and multimedia rooms, first-class sports facilities...
- Because we have a wide network of sports, technological and training entities where our students can carry out compulsory internships and graduates can work.
- Because we work on the development of professional skills linked to activities related to sports and technology, in the development of products, services, and organizations, locally and internationally.
Bachelor's Degrees practical information

Oriol Nogueras
Student of CTEF Bachelor's Degree
"The greatest evidence in the sports world is that technology has arrived to improve areas such as sports management, physical preparation or the innovation and creation of sports products. CTEF is the only degree that offers you this updated perspective and provides you with the added value that companies in the sector are looking for."

Pau Prat
Student of CTEF Bachelor's Degree
"Personally, I believe that the CTEF degree is perfect for athletes who want to study beyond sports practice, since it provides us with extensive knowledge about the world of sports: from its fundamentals to new technologies applied to performance and sports practice, including product management and design. I think that this degree prepares us to face the opportunities of an industry that is constantly evolving."