Euncet's academic quality policy
The Quality Policy at Euncet Business School has been and will always be orientated to meet the educational expectations and needs of our students.
Our Quality Policy strives to offer high quality teaching and services, seeking continuous improvement and aspiring to excellence in its provision.
The implementation and maintenance of our quality management system ensures compliance with this objective, which includes as principles and values those of Euncet Business School and those of the Polytechnic University of Catalunya; these constitute the frame of reference by which our educational function is developed:
- The personal dimension of the student, which requires the satisfaction of her/his training needs and the consolidation of positive attitudes and work habits that facilitate her/his growth as a person.
- The professional dimension, which requires fulfilling our commitment to teachers, administration and services personnel, companies, universities and institutions.
- The social dimension, which calls for qualified personnel with the skills that lend scientific and technical support to the professional, cultural and economic progress of society.
- Performance and updating of quality objectives and requirements which have been established by the educational administration.
In accordance with the provisions of the European Higher Education Area, universities must have an Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC/IQAS) which incorporates continuous improvement strategies and which allows us to develop and monitor our actions, review and redefine them, to ensure compliance with the objectives associated with the lessons we teach.
From this section, you can consult documents related to the life cycle of our degrees, such as: information from the Registry at the University, verification reports, follow-up reports, modifications made and accreditations achieved.
In accordance with the provisions of the European Higher Education Area, universities must have an Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC/IQAS) which incorporates continuous improvement strategies and which allows us to develop and monitor our actions, review and redefine them, to ensure compliance with the objectives associated with the lessons we teach.
In this section, for our undergraduate studies, you can consult a report that includes academic performance by subject, by course and by overall study criteria, as well as graduation indicators and the level of dropout and possible causes. For Master’s degree studies, a report of university results and a document with the following indicators are available: rate of return, total of graduates, graduates in t, graduates in t + 1 and dropout rate.
In this section, we display results for satisfaction levels of the different groups involved in the development of the qualification: students, graduates, Teaching and Research Personnel (PDI), Administration and Services Personnel (PAS) and further satisfaction reports.
In this section, we display our reports and indicators of student performance and satisfaction for external internships, mobility programmes (outgoing and incoming), career guidance service and job placement.
In this final section, all those other areas that affect the quality of the teaching and learning procedures not provided for in the rest of the sections are linked to those related to the management of services; these cover both those offering direct support to the teaching-learning process for the benefit of the entire university community, and those concerned with personnel management (PDI and PAS)