Internal quality assurance system (SGIC)

In accordance with the provisions of the European Higher Education Area, universities must have an internal quality assurance system (SGIC/IQAS) which incorporates continuous improvement strategies to develop and monitor their actions, and to review and redefine them to ensure that the objectives associated with the teaching they provide are met.


Quality policy

Quality policy document (CAST/CAT)

Process map

Document (CAST/CAT)

Process manual

Document (CAST/CAT)

Quality manual

Document (CAST/CAT)

Organization Chart

Internal Quality Assurance Processes

Guidelines - Quality policy and objectives

  • 801.1.1 Define training quality policy and objectives (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.1.2 SGIQ definition, review and improvement process (CAST/CAT)

Directriz - Quality assurance of training programmes

  • 801.2.1 Ensure and guarantee the quality of our training  programmes (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.2.2 Verification of our training programmes (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.2.3 Monitoring and improvement of our training programmes (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.2.4 Modification of our training programmes (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.2.5 Accreditation of our training programmes (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.2.6 Termination of our training programmes (CAST/CAT)

Guidelines - Advice on teaching to students

  • 801.3.1 Definition of the admission profile, graduation and admission (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.3.2 Access admission and registration of training programmes (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.3.3 Enrollment planning and organization (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.3.4 Enrollment execution (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.3.5 Dissemination of information to students (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.3.6 Management of external curricular internships (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.3.7 Management of career guidance (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.3.8 Management of student mobility (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.3.9 Support and guidance for students (CAST/CAT)

Guidelines - Assurance and improvement of the quality of academic and teaching support staff

  • 801.4.1 Definition of IDP and SAP policies (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.4.2 Recruitment and selection of IDPs and SPAs (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.4.3 Assessment, promotion and recognition of IDPs and SPAs (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.4.4 Training of IDPs and SPAs (CAST/CAT)

Guidelines - Management and improvement of material resources and services

  • 801.5.1 Management and improvement of material resources (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.5.2 Management and improvement of services (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.5.3 IT incidents (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.5.4 Building Management (CAST/CAT)

Guidelines - Collection and analysis of results

  • 801.6.1 Definition, review and improvement of the data and control panel (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.6.2 Valuation of labor insertion and satisfaction of graduates (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.6.3 Management of incidents, claims and suggestions (CAST/CAT)

Guidelines - Publication of information on qualifications to interested parties

  • 801.7.1 Publication of information and accountability on teaching programmes (CAST/CAT)
  • 801.7.2 Document and evidence management processes (CAST/CAT)


Accreditation is the verification from an external visit that the degree is developing as planned for verification.

All official university degrees must go through the accreditation process within six years of their initial verification (or last accreditation), in the case of degrees and doctorates.

Every year, universities and AQU Catalunya jointly plan external visits based on the degrees that are to start the accreditation process.

The accreditation process is structured in two stages: external visit and accreditation:

  • The external visit: it is on-site verification of the operation of the degree, which is reflected in the external visit report.
  • Accreditation: this is the issuance, by the specific committee for the field, of the evaluation report on the operation of the degree, the accreditation report, based on all the evidence available to AQU Catalunya, especially the external visit report.

For the 2022-23 academic year, Euncet is expected to pass the process of reaccreditation of the degree of the Degree in Business Administration and Management, with the scheduled calendar being as follows:

  • Deadline for delivery version 1 self-report to the GPAQ for technical review: March 21, 2023
  • Incorporate GPAQ comments and elaborate version 2 Hearing: March 29 to April 11, 2023
  • Public Exhibition and ORG approval: April 12 to 25, 2023
  • Definitive version delivery to GPAQ: April 26, 2023
  • Expected date for AQU external visit to the centre: second half of June 2023

Public exhibition

If you want to give your opinion or make a suggestion you can send an email to

Final report

Once the period of public exposure was over, a new meeting of the IAC was convened on April 25 in order to assess the public exhibition phase and any comments or suggestions that had been made in this regard and at the same time give final approval in the self-report to raise it to the relevant higher bodies.

As of the approval of the CAI of the Self-Report, the Quality Committee and the Academic Committee agreed in session on April 26, 2023 the final approval of the self-report.


In the second half of June 2023, the visit of the CAE (External Evaluation Committee) is scheduled, the agreed program is as shown below:


The visit to the facilities is made in order to show the most representative spaces of the center in relation to the  accreditation of the degrees (classrooms, teaching laboratories, computer rooms, study rooms, library, offices and common spaces ...).

The open hearing is a space of time intended for all those people who have not been summoned to the meetings of their collective can, if they wish, express the opinions they consider before the CAE.


​Accreditation is the verification by means a formal external visit that the degree course is being developed as the programme was planned.

All official university degrees must go through the accreditation process within a period of six years, counting from their initial verification (or last accreditation), in the case of undergraduate degrees and doctorates, and within a period of four, in the case of Master’s degrees.

Each year, our universities and AQU Catalunya jointly plan formal external visits on the basis of qualifications to be accredited.

The accreditation process is structured in two stages: the formal external visit and the accreditation itself:

  • The external visit is the on-site verification of the functioning of the degree course, which is reflected in the external visit report.
  • The Accreditation is the issuance by the specific departmental committee of the assessment report on the functioning of the degree, the accreditation report, on the basis of all the evidence available to AQU Catalunya, especially the external visit report.

General publication

Euncet’s own accreditation report

For the 2016-17 academic year it is expected that Euncet will undergo the accreditation process of the degree in Business Administration and Management; the schedule is as follows:

Deadline for delivery of version 1 of our internal report to the GPAQ for technical review: September 22, 2016 Add GPAQ comments and prepare version 2 Hearing: September 28th - 30th, 2016 General Publication and ORG approval: October 6th - 14th, 2016 Delivery to AQU: October 26th, 2016 Planned date for formal external visit to the centre: February 15th - 28th, 2017.

Definitive report

Once the public exhibition period had ended, a new meeting of the CAI was convened on October 17th in order to assess the general publication phase and any comments or suggestions that had been made in this regard and at the same time give final approval in our own report to take to the relevant higher bodies.

Since the CAI approval of our internal report, the Quality Commission and the Standing Committee agreed in session on October 17th and 18th, 2016 the final approval of our own report.

Self-report accreditation, final version

Formal visit

The visit of the CAE (External Evaluation Committee) is scheduled for Tuesday, February 21st, 2017 - the programme agreed is that shown below:


The visit to the facilities is carried out in order to show the most representative spaces in the centre (classrooms, teaching laboratories, computer classrooms, study rooms, library, offices and common spaces …) in relation to degree accreditation.

The open hearing is an opportunity for all those who have not been summoned to the meetings of their group, if they want, to express any opinions they may hold before the CAE.

If you wish to give your opinion or make a suggestion you can send an email to


Reaccreditation is the verification, based on an external visit, that the degree is being developed as the verification was planned.

All official university degrees must undergo the accreditation process within six years of their initial verification (or last accreditation), in the case of bachelor's and doctoral degrees, and within four years in the case of master's degrees.

Each year, the universities and AQU Catalunya jointly plan the external visits based on the degree programs that are to begin the accreditation process.

The accreditation process is structured in two stages: the external visit and the accreditation:

  • The external visit: this is the on-site verification of the operation of the degree program, which is reflected in the external visit report.
  • Accreditation: this is the issuing, by the specific commission for the field, of the report assessing the functioning of the degree program, the accreditation report, based on all the evidence available to AQU Catalunya, especially the external visit report. 

For the 2024-25 academic year, Euncet is expected to undergo the reaccreditation process for its Master's Degree in Business Administration, for which reason, the programmed calendar is as follows:

  • Deadline to submit version 1 self-report to GPAQ for technical review: 28 January 2025
  • Incorporate GPAQ comments and elaborate version 2Hearing: February 10 to 14, 2025
  • Public Exposure and ORG approval: 17 to 25 February 2025
  • Delivery of final version to GPAQ: February 26, 2025
  • Expected date for external AQU site visit: second half of April 2025

Public exposure

  • Euncet accreditation self-report.

If you want to give your opinion or make a suggestion you can send an e-mail to a

Final report

Once the public exposure period was over, a new meeting of the CAI convene on February 26 in order to evaluate the public exposure phase and any comments or suggestions that may have been made in this regard, and at the same time to give final approval to the self-report in order to submit it to the relevant higher bodies.
Following the approval of the Self-Report by the CAI, the Quality Commission and the Permanent Commission agreed in session on February 26, 2025 to give final approval to the self-report.


In the second half of April 2025, the visit of the CAE (External Evaluation Committee) is scheduled for the second half of April 2025, and the agreed program is shown below:

The visit to the facilities is made in order to show the most representative spaces of the center in relation to the accreditation of the degrees (classrooms, teaching laboratories, computer rooms, study rooms, library, offices and common spaces ...).

The open hearing is a space of time for all those who have not been invited to the meetings of their group to express their opinions to the CAE if they wish.


Accreditation is the verification by means of a formal external visit that the degree is being developed as the programme was planned.

All official university degrees must go through the accreditation process within a period of six years, counting from their initial verification (or last accreditation), in the case of undergraduate degrees and doctorates, and within a period of four, in the case of Master’s degrees.

Each year, our universities and AQU Catalunya jointly plan formal external visits on the basis of qualifications to be accredited.

The accreditation process is structured in two stages: the formal external visit and the accreditation itself:

  • The external visit is the on-site verification of the functioning of the degree course, which is reflected in the external visit report.
  • The Accreditation is the issuance by the specific departmental committee of the assessment report on the functioning of the degree, the accreditation report, on the basis of all the evidence available to AQU Catalunya, especially the external visit report.

In the course 2019-20 academic year it is expected that Euncet will undergo the accreditation process of its two Master’s degrees, one in Business Administration and the other in Marketing Management - so the schedule is as follows:

  • Exhibition/Public hearing of the self-report: June 15 to 24, 2019
  • Meetings of CAI, Quality Commission and Permanent Commission for the approval of the final self-report: June 25 to 27, 2019
  • Delivery of the final version to GPAQ: June 28, 2019
  • Delivery of the self-report to AQU: July 2, 2019
  • Scheduled date for the AQU external visit to the center: November 14 and 15, 2020

General publication

  • Euncet’s own accreditation report

If you wish to give your opinion or make a suggestion you can send an email to

Definitive report

Once the public exhibition period had ended, a new meeting of the CAI convene on June 25th in order to assess the general publication phase and any comments or suggestions that had been made in this regard and at the same time give final approval in our own report to take to the relevant higher bodies.

Since the CAI approval of our internal report, the Quality Commission and the Academic Committee agreed in session on October 26th and 27th June, 2019 the final approval of our own report.

Formal visit

Coming up: the visit of the CAE (External Evaluation Committee) is scheduled for Thursday, November 15th, 2019 - the programme agreed is that shown below:


The visit to the facilities is carried out in order to show the most representative spaces in the centre (classrooms, teaching laboratories, computer classrooms, study rooms, library, offices and common spaces …) in relation to degree accreditation.

The open hearing is an opportunity for all those who have not been summoned to the meetings of their group, if they want, to express any opinions they may hold before the CAE.

Finally, AQU reported favourably. A copy of the report is attached.



Accreditation is the verification by means a formal external visit that the degree course is being developed as the programme was planned.

All official university degrees must go through the accreditation process within a period of six years, counting from their initial verification (or last accreditation), in the case of undergraduate degrees and doctorates, and within a period of four, in the case of Master’s degrees.

Each year, our universities and AQU Catalunya jointly plan formal external visits on the basis of qualifications to be accredited.

The accreditation process is structured in two stages: the formal external visit and the accreditation itself:

  • The external visit is the on-site verification of the functioning of the degree course, which is reflected in the external visit report.
  • The Accreditation is the issuance by the specific departmental committee of the assessment report on the functioning of the degree, the accreditation report, on the basis of all the evidence available to AQU Catalunya, especially the external visit report.

For the 2020-21 academic year, it is expected that Euncet will undergo the accreditation process for its Undergraduate degree in Marketing and Digital Communication - so the schedule is as follows:

  • Preparation of the self-report: September 28 to October 25, 2019
  • Public Exhibition/Public Hearing of the self-report: October 28 to November 8, 2019
  • CAI, Quality Commission and Permanent Commission meetings for the approval of the final self-report: November 8, 2019
  • Delivery of the final version to GPAQ: November 11, 2019
  • Scheduled date for the AQU external visit to the center: second half of March 2020

General publication

  • Euncet’s own accreditation report

If you wish to give your opinion or make a suggestion you can send an email to


Definitive report

Once the public exhibition period had ended, a new meeting of the CAI was convened on November 8th in order to assess the general publication phase and any comments or suggestions that had been made in this regard and at the same time give final approval in our own report to take to the relevant higher bodies.

Since the CAI approval of our internal report, the Quality Commission and the Standing Committee agreed in session on November 8th the final approval of our own report.

Formal Visit

The visit of the CAE (External Evaluation Committee) is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20th, 2020 - the programme agreed is that shown below:


The visit to the facilities is carried out in order to show the most representative spaces in the centre (classrooms, teaching laboratories, computer classrooms, study rooms, library, offices and common spaces …) in relation to degree accreditation.

The open hearing is an opportunity for all those who have not been summoned to the meetings of their group, if they want, to express any opinions they may hold before the CAE.


Accreditation is the verification from an external visit that the degree is developing as planned for verification.

All official university degrees must go through the accreditation process within six years of their initial verification (or last accreditation), in the case of degrees and doctorates.

Every year, universities and AQU Catalunya jointly plan external visits based on the degrees that are to start the accreditation process.

The accreditation process is structured in two stages: external visit and accreditation:

  • The external visit: it is on-site verification of the operation of the degree, which is reflected in the external visit report.
  • Accreditation: this is the issuance, by the specific committee for the field, of the evaluation report on the operation of the degree, the accreditation report, based on all the evidence available to AQU Catalunya, especially the external visit report.

For the 2023-24 academic year, Euncet is expected to undergo the accreditation process of the Degree in Sciences and Technologies applied to Sport and Fitness, with the following timetable:

  • Deadline for submission of version 1 self-report to GPAQ for technical review: January 15, 2024.
  • Incorporate GPAQ comments and elaborate version 2 Hearing: 22 January 2024
  • Public Exposure and ORG approval: 23 to 30 January 2024
  • Final version delivered to GPAQ: 31 January 2024
  • Planned date for external AQU site visit: 14 March 2024

Public exhibition

Euncet accreditation self-report

If you want to give your opinion or make a suggestion you can send an email to

Final report

Once the period of public exposure was over, a new meeting of the IAC was convened on January 30 in order to assess the public exhibition phase and any comments or suggestions that had been made in this regard and at the same time give final approval in the self-report to raise it to the relevant higher bodies.

As of the approval of the CAI of the Self-Report, the Quality Committee and the Academic Committee agreed in session on January 30, 2024 the final approval of the self-report.


14 March 2024, the visit of the CAE (External Evaluation Committee) is scheduled, the agreed program is as shown below:


The visit to the facilities is made in order to show the most representative spaces of the center in relation to the  accreditation of the degrees (classrooms, teaching laboratories, computer rooms, study rooms, library, offices and common spaces ...).

The open hearing is a space of time intended for all those people who have not been summoned to the meetings of their collective can, if they wish, express the opinions they consider before the CAE.
