Discover the team


The Management Department at Euncet Business School is made up of professionals with a wide and prolific experience in different business areas, such as talent management and training in management skills.

Find out more about the professional careers of the people that strive to build Euncet day by day.

General Director
Director of the University Centre

Teaching And Research

Teaching and Research is a department made up of more than 300 professionals with a wide experience in the educational sector and the professional world.

Euncet Business School’s research community develops an important task thanks to the publication of academic papers related to the fields of management and managing skills, science and technology, as well as other functional areas of business. It also takes part in research seminars in which different topics of general interest are investigated.

The faculty is made up of working professionals who provide a current vision of learnings thanks to their shared experiences with students, in addition to their lectures on the more theoretical side of subjects.

Academic Secretary
Academic Director and Director of the Bachelor's Degrees in Business Administration and Marketing and director of adaptation and development of new studies
Director of Executive Education and Director of the Master's Degree in Communication Management
Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Management and Digitalisation in Sport
Director of the Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management
Director of the Master's Degree in Technologies Applied to Marketing
Director of the Master's Degree in Human Resources and Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Director of Technological Innovation and TIC
Director of Student and Alumni Services and Alumni Services
Project Director and Research Support
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) and Academic Tutor
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) and Academic Tutor
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) and Academic and Internship Tutor
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) and Internship Tutor
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) and Academic Tutor
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
Coordinator of the University Bachelor's Degrees in Business Administration and Marketing, Academic Tutor and PDI
Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Management and Digitalisation in Sport and PDI
Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management and PDI
Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Technologies Applied to Marketing and PDI

Student and Alumni services

At Euncet Business School we strive for quality education and for turning our studies into a unique experience. Student Services include the International Mobility Program as well as the Professional Careers Service. Through this program, with the help of an advisor, students may take advantage of all their talent and take part in the job opportunities and take part in workshops where they may improve their professional skills and aptitudes.

Within the Student Service department, we also offer the possibility of joining student associations and taking part in activities and contests.

The Alumni community, made up of more than 15,000 former students, runs a special program by which former students may take part in masterclasses, class meetings and enjoy discounts for studies at Euncet Business School.

Head of Student and Alumni Services and Academic and Internship Tutor
International Relations Coordinator
Junior Coordinator University Life
Coordinator of Professional Careers

Academic Management

Our Academic Management Services seek to accompany students throughout their student life and advise them on all kinds of administrative and academic transactions required at our university.

If you need advice or help to find your way through our academic transactions, you may write to us at or call us at 935 476 066. 

Head of Academic Management
Coordinator and Academic Manager of University Degrees
Manager of Bachelor's Degrees
Manager of Bachelor's Degrees
Manager of Master’s Degrees
Manager of Executive Education


The Quality Department is the main responsible for verification, monitoring, modification and recognition processes of the Centre’s official degrees, the development of the Quality Internal Guarantee System (SGIC), the procurement and analysis of information related to academic activity, and the corresponding distribution of reports, within a process of continuous improvement allowing for the optimisation of the Institution’s training offer.

Head of Quality

Admissions and Marketing

Euncet Business School’s Admissions Department’s aim is to manage the whole admission process of the future students of university degrees, master’s degrees and Executive Education, as well as to guide them through it. It is made up of a team of professionals who will advise and accompany you during your registration and admission to your degree with a look into the future.

Head of Admissions and Marketing and Communication
Coordinator of Digital Marketing
Admissions Coordinator
Communication Specialist
Graphic Designer
Marketing Specialist
Junior Marketing Developer
Admissions Advisor – University Degrees
Admissions Advisor Executive Education and University Degrees
Admissions Advisor – University Degrees
Admissions Advisor - In Company Training and Executive
Admissions Advisor - Master's Degrees
Admissions Advisor – Asian Programs

Administration and Finance

The Administration and Finance Department is in charge of carrying out all the administrative functions. Its aim is to correctly manage the company’s financial and human resources.

The following are some of its main functions: allocate resources to the different departments; manage and settle taxes; handle the bills from suppliers and creditors, and manage payment; issue customers’ bills and the corresponding collection management; handle transactions linked to investors; control and carry out the payment of payroll for Administrative and Service Staff (PAS) and Teaching and Research Staff (PDI); elaborate budgets and carry out other tasks related to management accounting, analysis and control of financial information.

Head of Accounting
Technical Expert in Administration

Human Resources

The Human Resources Department manages all that has to do with the needs of Euncet Business School and its organisation.

Its aim is to look after the cross-communication among all the departments that make up the university centre, as well as to manage labour relations and foresee future needs, improve professional careers and develop individual and collective competencies.

Human Resources Manager

General Services

The General Services Department coordinates the services provided by the cafeteria, reception and all aspects related to the maintenance and improvement of Euncet Business School’s facility infrastructures, as well as the periodical sanitation and cleaning of the university centre. Another aspect linked to this department is the preservation and maintenance of the nature surrounding Euncet Business School’s facilities.

In addition, the General Services Department also manages and coordinates the free-of-charge bus service for all the members of the university community, in order to provide and guarantee its service on time and the relevant reinforcement at exam or event times.

Head of General Services
Receptionist at Terrassa Campus
Receptionist Terrassa Campus
Recepcionista Campus Terrassa
Receptionist Barcelona 22@ Campus
Cafeteria Administrator
Cafeteria Assistant
Cafeteria Assistant


At the Information and Communications Technologies Department (TIC) students will have at their disposal all the necessary computer tools for the correct development of their study activity. In addition, during the academic year, they may rely on the department’s support to solve any computer incident or query related to our educational platforms, such as the Virtual Campus or the Online Campus – two virtual platforms from where students can keep an eye on their marks and other academic issues.

At Euncet Business School we want our student community to be connected to the latest technologies and may take advantage of the potential of our digital resources and those provided by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), such as the virtual platform Atenea.

Director of Technological Innovation and TIC
Head of TIC (ICT)
Technician at TIC (ICT)
Technician at TIC (ICT)