Marketing and Communication Courses


Bachelor's, Master's and Executive Education degrees in Marketing

Discovering new techniques to persuade in the digital environment, and devising strategies with which to be competitive in new markets are two of the skills that every professional can acquire by training in marketing courses. In addition to being one of the outlets with the highest career projection, marketing and communication courses allow professionals to specialise their profile, thus becoming important assets for companies.

Marketing and communication, two increasingly related areas of knowledge

The digital revolution has brought about a radical change in the behaviour of users and in the way society communicates. The disruption brought by new technologies, added to the new digital era, has led to a ‘before’ and ‘after' in the markets. Although this makes for an enormous challenge for companies, it is also an opportunity to strive for innovation.

Marketing and communication are areas which, although historically independent, increasingly interrelate with each other today. At present, those with professional profiles capable of establishing relationships with marketing, communication and commercial management departments are in demand.

Markets are highly competitive and unstable and require professionals capable of operating in the digital environment. Sales and communication channels are constantly debated in both online and offline environments. In this situation, marketing and communication strategies must focus on users and their increasingly unpredictable behaviours.


Society is in constant flux and companies must be able to anticipate trends in order to respond to new needs.

Functions of a company’s marketing and communication department

Marketing and communication departments must be aligned in their strategies. These are the areas responsible for ensuring that potential customers make their journey through all stages of the customer experience, in order to achieve their loyalty to the brand.

Their main functions include defining and managing the corporate brand. That is, determining what values the brand represents and how it should act and interact with customers to adapt their experience to the meaning that the company intends to confer (branding). In addition, internal communication and relationships with the media are functions which every marketing and communication department must include.

Within the organisation, these departments are responsible for researching markets and competition to detect business opportunities and customer attraction strategies. Another of the functions that these areas should perform is to plan and develop marketing strategies in the main dissemination channels, such as through social networks.

Marketing plays an important role in attracting and retaining customers. These processes integrate the sales and marketing team into the ‘leads’ generation strategy. In this way, both departments work together to achieve their common objectives.

Digital content is another key aspect of digital actions. The marketing and communication department must create content that adds value to users and serves to attract potential customers to the corporate website. After digitisation, increased competitiveness and saturation of markets, the optimisation of content in search engines has become a necessity for every organisation.

Why study a marketing and communication course?

Buying habits and the way we interact have changed. Strategic plans must adapt to new times. Every professional who aspires to be a benchmark player in the market must constantly recycle their knowledge.

Now, ways of doing and thinking have to be unlearnt to be properly learnt anew. Society has evolved, and so have its needs. Training in courses, undergraduate or master’s degrees specialising in marketing and communication, is the first step to understand these new behaviours. There is an increasing variety within the university course-bank. Pursuing a course in marketing or digital marketing is one of the demands that has increased over the years in business schools.

Discovering new techniques of persuasion in the digital environment and devising strategies to raise competitiveness in new markets are two of the skills which every professional can acquire by taking up marketing courses.

In addition to being one of the outlets with the most extensive career projection, marketing and communication courses allow professionals to specialise their profile, and so to become important assets for companies.
