Commercial and Sales Department


The advantages of studying a course in the commercial sector

The fourth revolution is now a fact. If before it was important to keep up with consumption habits and foresee future ones, now it is a necessity. The world is changing by leaps and bounds, and society is becoming more and more demanding. Sales are becoming increasingly difficult to estimate. The impact of Covid-19 has changed the way we interact and consume.

This uncertain and unstable scenario is posing a challenge for businesses, whether they are multinationals or medium and small enterprises. In this environment, investing in the recycling of knowledge has turned into a competitive advantage. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to be up to date with the new trends that appear in the commercial and sales sector. Everything changes at great speed, and consumers are increasingly demanding and selective when buying or deciding to acquire new products and services.

Investing in the updating of staff training and keeping up with new tools and resources within the sales department may be the quality leap the company needs to become competitive again. Learning how to optimise sales results is an alternative. In addition, it is the perfect way to learn new methods with which to develop fresh marketing strategies for products and services.

Sales and commercial courses

Consumer habits are constantly evolving and sales strategies must anticipate these new needs and market trends. The rise of e-commerce has led to an exponential increase in online shopping. The emergence of new, challenging platforms is forcing commercial departments to radically change their strategies. Therefore, those responsible for the Commercial and Sales department must adapt sales cycles to these new trends.

Another major challenge for sales and marketing teams is the role which social media play in consumer decision-making.

The importance of the Commercial and Sales department in a company

In any business, sales is one of the principal activities. Sales managers must have extensive knowledge of their sector and know at all times the needs that may arise in the markets in which they operate.

The commercial department is the point of interface between customers and the company, so it plays a crucial role in the consumer experience. The sales team must ensure that customers' expectations are met. To do this, it is important to carry out practices to obtain constant feedback and to get to know levels of customer satisfaction.

The department must also be able to identify sales opportunities and adapt products or services to new demands.

There functions of Marketing and Sales management in the company

The sales department, together with the marketing department, must be aligned in their strategies in order to achieve any objectives set for the organisation. It is crucially important for the two departments to work together in order to implement strategies successfully.

In order to establish this link between areas, the marketing and sales management departments will have as their main functions:

  • To design and implement business and sales strategies to improve results;
  • To maintain active communication with marketing department directors and/or the product manager;
  • To have the necessary tools and resources to meet the objectives set;
  • To create S.M.A.R.T. budgets and sales forecasts (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely);
  • To manage accounts and support the acquisition and subsequent maintenance of important clients.


For a commercial department to succeed, it must be committed to what it sells. Although this may seem logical a priori, in practice it is difficult to achieve if you do not work at it daily.

A highly motivated sales team will help you achieve your goals. This will require members of the sales team to feel comfortable with working conditions and believe in what they are selling. Whether individual or joint, motivation should be a must for any strategy that helps boost sales.

The mood and state of mind of marketing personnel is one of the key factors, as it has a direct impact on the consumer experience. A bad attitude can have a negative impact on sales, just as much as a positive and willing attitude can help them.
