Master’s Degree in Human Resources and Talent Management

Program details

Start: September 2025

Duration: 8 months

Modality Semipresencial: From Tuesday to Thursday from 5 pm to 8 pm

Campus: Barcelona 22@

Language: Castellano, Catalán, Inglés

Credits: 60

In the field of business management, human resources management plays an essential role for organisational and business success. The ability to attract, develop and retain human talent, in the quantity and quality appropriate to the productive and management needs of the company, is what mainly gives it a competitive advantage, especially in the current technological context, marked by disruption, constant changes and the requirement for high efficiency in its processes.

The Master's Degree in Human Resources and Talent Management at Euncet Business School is designed to train leaders capable of bringing integrated human resources management to all areas and levels of the organisation. This approach allows establishing collaborative alliances between the Human Resources Department and the rest of the functional areas of the company, enhancing labour relations, professional development and operational efficiency.

This university master's degree in human resources management responds to the need to have professionals who understand the importance of people in the technological era and who are capable of implementing innovative strategies in the management and development of talent.

Students will develop key competencies to identify and resolve obsolescence of performance in jobs due to technological evolution, anticipate skills recycling needs and manage crisis situations. In addition, they will be trained to make strategic decisions and to optimise the organisation's value chain, always focused on improving business productivity and competitiveness. 

Master’s Degree in Technological Talent Management from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Knowledge branch:

Social and Legal Sciences 

Next call:

September 2025 


July 2026 

Teaching hours:

225 teaching hours 



Entry places:

50 places (Spanish, Catalan)

50 places (English)


1 academic year 


Spanish / Catalan / English 


12.120 €


The Master's program in Human Resources and Talent Management prepares professionals to manage the human capital of an organization, maximizing its potential and aligning it with the company's strategic objectives.

This official qualification offers a comprehensive approach to the Human Resources Department, covering both the consideration of the latest trends and technologies used in the field of human resources management in a company, as well as the recruitment and development of human talent and the management skills necessary for its correct management. 

In addition, university graduates will be able to recognize the factors and tools linked to digital transformation to promote the evolution of workers towards tech profiles. 


The Master's Degree in Human Resources and Talent Management consists of 60 ECTS credits divided into 4 subjects, which are divided into 9 courses, plus the Master's Thesis, over two semesters, which represent one academic year. 

The contents of the subjects are structured with the objective of optimally training the student in resolving the needs of the human factor in the company with regard to quantity and quality. Additionally, the curriculum is designed to foster the development of key skills and competencies that enable students to become change management professionals. University graduates will be able to identify and correct situations of imbalances or deficiencies in the performance of workers. 

Subject TypeECTS
Compulsory 45
Master’s Thesis 15
Total 60

Training complements

Students entering with any of the degrees indicated in the “Student Profile” will not be required to take complementary courses.

The rest of the students who enter the master's program with a different profile must take a complementary course.

  • Business Management, 6 ECTS

This complementary course will be offered in online mode and can be taken 3 months before the start of the master's degree. In order to take the university master's degree, the complementary training must be approved.

You can consult the contents of the possible training complements through this link. 

  • Talent management in traditional companies  
  • Talent management for startups and tech companies
  • Talent availability planning  
  • Technological solutions in business talent management   
  • Digital skills and business competitiveness
  • Fundamentals and application of the competency management model
  • Qualification structure
  • Determining the optimal workforce  
  • Technological solutions for the application of the competency management model 
  • Process management
  • Job description and analysis
  • Assessment, interrelation and hierarchical dependency of jobs
  • Technological tools for evaluating jobs  
  • Recruitment and selection processes based on competencies. Tools
  • Career plans
  • Talent retention and loyalty  
  • Tech careers  
  • Methodologies for performance evaluation  
  • Digital transformation
  • Individual and staff training plans
  • Indicators
  • Technological solutions for performance evaluation 
  • Resources for training 
  • Objective-based management
  • Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP)  
  • Working environment
  • Balanced scorecard and indicators associated with talent management
  • Technological solutions for the management of the balanced scorecard 
  • Analysis of labour markets, especially tech profiles
  • Methodologies for equitable remuneration of the workforce
  • Application of technology in remuneration administration  
  • Labour, risk prevention and occupational health regulations
  • Telematic mechanisms of the Tax Agency and Social Security  
  • Regulations on the subscription and termination of contracts, disengagements and obligations of the company towards the administrations 
  • Technological solutions for regulatory compliance 
  • Techniques for improving motivation
  • Conflict prevention and resolution. Negotiation
  • The company's criminal risk prevention system (Compliance)
  • Promotion of health and quality of life in the workplace  
  • Organisational and interpersonal communication 
  • Application of all knowledge to a Human Resources plan for a new organization, especially a start up or tech company.


Academic Year 2025-26

  • Calendar


Spanish edition

Academic Year 2025-26

  • First Semester
  • Second Semester

English edition

Academic Year 2025-26

  • First Semester
  • Second Semester

Methodology details

The learning process at Euncet Business School-UPC combines a set of methodologies that allow the participant to achieve practically and innovatively the competencies of the professional profile established in the master’s degree and the digital context. 

  • Case studies: analysis of specific business situations, which can be real or simulated, that the teacher poses so that the student can design solutions to the problems detected.
  • Simulators and games: Students work in simulated scenarios in which they can put their skills and knowledge into practice, as well as devise, analyse and evaluate their actions in a safe environment.
  • Visits to companies: visits to companies, entrepreneurship projects or startups of interest in which students can learn first-hand about the real procedures used in the business world.
  • Seminars, conferences, masterclasses and workshops: attendance at events where the student can learn about different business ecosystems and have direct contact with professionals with extensive experience in their sector.
  • Tutorials: in-person and online sessions in which students can meet or contact the teacher to raise problems or questions about the teaching units or about specific ideas and concepts. 


Here you will find all the information related to the admission requirements for the Master's Degree in Human Resources and Talent Management.

To apply for the Euncet Business School master's degrees, students must have a university degree and must present a letter of motivation that they will send along with a photocopy of their passport or ID, their Curriculum Vitae and their certificate of qualifications.

Our academic committee, chaired by the director of the master's degree, will evaluate the profile through an interview and give a decision to the candidacy.

In the Admission section, the information regarding the requirements to access the Master's Degree in Human Resources Management and Talent Management is expanded. 

Student profile

This master's degree is preferably aimed at graduates and diploma holders with studies in the branch of knowledge of Social and Legal Sciences, especially those graduates in the following degrees: 

  • Graduates in Business Administration and Management and similar.
  • Graduates in Labour Relations and similar.
  • Graduates in Law and similar.
  • Graduates in Psychology and similar.
  • Graduates in Social Education and similar.
  • Graduates in Pedagogy and similar. 

Likewise, official university graduates in the field of Engineering and Architecture knowledge will also be able to access the master’s degree. 

TFM Regulations of the Master's Degree in Human Resources and Talent Management

To obtain the Master's Degree in Human Resources and Talent Management from the UPC, the student must complete a Master's Thesis (TFM). 

The TFM is a subject of 15 ECTS and consists of the preparation of a work with characteristics similar to the following: 

  • Development of a Human Resources Plan adapted to a specific scenario of business activity.
  • Design of a talent management model, its policy and operations in accordance with the business organisational structure.
  • Research work related to any of the areas of specialisation of the master's degree. 

The thesis, which can be carried out in teams of up to three students, will be supervised by a doctoral professor who will guide them. According to the TFM regulations, the evaluation will be carried out individually. 

TFM Regulations of the Master's Degree in Human Resources and Talent Management


Director of the university center
Master's academic manager


Graduates of this master's degree in human resources management will be able to demonstrate their knowledge in the labour market by adopting some of the most in-demand positions in the field of human resources today. In addition, they will be able to work with the latest technological tools within this field in order to design strategic plans, whether in the public administration or in the private sector.

The student will be able to develop his/her professional career and perform in roles such as those listed below: 

  • Human Resources Director
  • Responsible for Human Resources in both the Private and Public Sectors
  • Recruitment Officer
  • Occupational Risk Prevention Technician
  • Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) 
  • Specialist in Technological Tools for Human Resources Management
  • Training Manager
  • Responsible for Internal Communication
  • Labour Advisor 



The master's degree reviews the functions of the human resources department and the management system of a technology company from a comprehensive perspective of this field.


Students acquire a multidisciplinary and strategic profile with key competencies both in talent management strategy and in defining the organisation's general strategy.


Academic program with a mixed profile oriented towards both training for professional practice and training for research.


Teachers of recognised academic and professional trajectory and years of experience linked to the business world.


+ 40 years training professionals and executives in management, innovation and new technologies. 



Mercè Arnero

Director of the Admissions, Marketing and Communications Department

If you have any questions or queries, I will be happy to help you.